

Ph: Sisco Soler, Ag: Mr. John Sample, Cl: Kymco

SiscoSoler-Kymco v1a 960x400

Tous AW’12

Ph: Leandre Escorsell, Cl: Tous

LeandreEscorsell-Tous Piruletas v1a 960x400

Tiempo BBDO: Wrigley’s 5

Ag: Tiempo BBDO, Ph: Xavier Galí, Cl: Wrigley’s

Tiempo-Zephir 960x400

The Art Company

Ph: Leandre Escorsell, Ag: Ruiz+Company, Cl: The Art Company


Angel Schlesser: So Essential

Ag: Dayax, Ph: Luciano Insua, Cl: Angel Schlesser


Armand Basi: In Red

Ag: Dayax, Ph: Unknown, Cl: Armand Basi

Dayax-Armand Basi IN RED 960x400

Art Director’s Club of Europe

Ph: Sisco Soler, Ag: SCPF, Cl: Art Director’s Club of Europe  

Sisco Soler-Art Directors Club Europe 960x400


Ph: Pere Ferrer, Ag: Karles Vives, Cl: Wala  

Pere Ferrer-Wala 960x400

Seat Ibiza

Ph: Sisco Soler, Ag: Atletico International, Cl: Seat

Atletico-Seat 960x400

Danone: Daníssimo

Ph: Paco Arará, Ag: Vinizius Young&Rubicam, Cl: Danone

Paco Arara-Danissimo 960x400

San Miguel 1516

Ph: Paco Arará, Ag: Vinizius Young&Rubicam, Cl: San Miguel 1516

Paco Arara-San Miguel 960x400